Pastors Welcome




Yes, we are Seventh-day Adventists:

Seventh-day -because we keep the seventh-day Sabbath of creation...the same  Sabbath day that Jesus kept,

and the same Sabbath the redeemed will keep in the new earth (Isa.66:22,23).

Adventist -because we believe in the imminent (soon) return of Jesus - the "Second Advent"

Because we believe Jesus is coming back soon to redeem His own, we take seriously our Lord's admonition to, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to  observe whatsoever I have commanded you" (Matthew 28:19,20)

As pastor of the Hendersonville S.D.A. Church, I consider it an honor to extend to you an open invitation to worship with us on the Sabbath. I look forward to meeting you personally and extending to you the hand of fellowship. We hope you will find opportunity to worship with us in the very near future.

Maranatha (Jesus is coming!)