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- God's last word- Jesus
- “Independence Day”
- "When Moses Prayed, God Listened"
- how to keep your lampstand
- Shelter In Jesus
- Faithful In Giving
- Big Deal, Big Barn, Big Fool
- Bethlehem's Star and Scepter
- Our Ultimate Ruler
- Where Is He?
- Twas the Night Before Christmas
- Closing the Door on 2018
- When A Church Prays
- Faithful In Living
- Peter's Lesson of Faith
- In Peter's Home
- Why Does Prayer Even Matter?
- Peter's Call To Ministry
- The Master Key
- The Cleansing
- Made More Than Conquerors
- Jesus Is Coming Again
- Sabbath Rest
- Is There Any Word From the Lord?
- How to Win the Super Bowl
- Who Will Be Worshiped
- Renewing Our First Love
- The City Christ Crowns - Smyrna
- Because of You
- Christ's Call for Courage - Pergamos
- Religious Freedom (For Some)
- The Cleansed Church
- The Garden of Evil's Deadliest Tree
- A Church Awakening
- Church With The Open Door
- The Living God - Jesus
- At The Cross
- Graduating, Now What?
- I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go
- Fear Not and Stand Firm
- Transformed
- The Command To Love
- Houston, We Have Lift Off
- I Will Be Healed
- The Christian Citizen
- Where's the Truth
- When, Where, What and Why
- Where Are The Nine?
- When the Comforter Comes...
- Hell Fire
- What Is Man...That You Care?
- There's a Worm in My Apple
- A Light Shining in Darkness (The Called of God)
- The Bridge of Acquittal
- Satan's Allies
- Grace...At Christ's Expense
- Repent And Be Converted
- Marching Orders For the Lord's Army
- Soon Coming of Christ - Truth, Lies and Luggage
- The Midnight Cry
- The Rainbow Grace of God
- The Power of An Ordinary Life
- Holy Spirit, Light Divine
- How Much do YOU, Love God?
- The Whisper in Your Ear
- Invitation, Motivation, Celebration
- The Original Christmas Ornament
- Do You Have Any Room?
- A Frontier Christmas
- Unfulfilled Prophecy and an Unfinished Task
- It's Time For a Change!
- Allied Allegiance
- The Call of the Cross
- I Will Come Again
- Inevitable Decisions
- The Roaring Twenties
- God Meant It For Good
- Is That What John Ate?
- Temptations of Christ
- Jesus Is Still the Answer
- Trial By Fire
- Curse of Compromise
- Letters from Peter, Paul, Luke and Matthew
- The Power of Encouragement
- Except We Forget How God Has Led
- A Few Treasures of Salvation
- The Calm of the Psalm
- The Highest Joy of Living
- What and Where is Religious Authority?
- In the Beginning
- The Mission of Jesus
- But, "Who Do You Say That I Am?"
- The Offer of God
- Exceeding Wroth
- The Closing Events
- And the Walls Fell Flat
- Sometimes He Tells It Like It Is
- Revelation 13
- Peace, True Peace
- Serving Jesus
- The Stewardship of TIME
- The Stewardship of TALENTS
- The Stewardship of BODY
- The Stewardship of MONEY
- The Stewardship of THANKSGIVING
- Glory to God In the Highest
- And On Earth Peace
- Good News of Great Joy
- Thank God and Take Courage
- Prophets of Yesterday and Today
- Privilege Means Responsibility
- Grace That Is Greater Than Our Sin
- Is This the End?
- What Is True Religion?
- Neutrality Is Nauseating
- God Will Wait, But Not Forever
- God Deals With Sin
- God's Grace, Marvelous and Mysterious
- Take Your Doubts to the Lord
- God's Work Must Go On
- God's Spirit Makes A Difference
- Gathering Around the Cross
- Obey God Because You Love Him
- Without Religious Liberty...
- Doing God's Will, Not Ours
- Let's Be BOLD in Prayer
- Heard by God!
- Taking the Bread and Cup
- Pentecost/Shavout
- The Holy Blessed Book
- Program of Worship in Music
- The Mark
- The Way of Faith
- When Faith Is Tested
- After These Things...
- Distinct Voice/Disguised Hands
- A Vision of God
- What's for Dinner?
- Back to Bethel
- Hard Knocks/Right Response
- When Temptation Comes
- Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
- After the Storm...Sunshine
- All These Things Are Against me
- Elijah, A Man Like Us
- A Clash of Kings
- Pre Christmas
- Christmas
- New Year's
- Beliefs That Make a Difference
- America in Bible Prophecy
- The Cleaver of Truth
- King of the South - Egypt
- If A Thing Seems Right, Do It!
- Try Forgiving
- Loving God Seeks Sinful Man
- Will We See Jesus Return?
- King of the North: Babylon Rising
- An Ordinance, A Feast and A Sacrifice
- Following The Shepherd
- The Blessed Hope
- "Not Just Average"
- How Wonderful is His Love
- Repent
- Let this Mind Be In You
- A Woman Worthy of Honor
- In the Resurrection...
- God Finishes What He Begins
- Pentecost, Purpose and Power
- Seven Women for One Man
- It's In the Blood
- 7 Points for Winning the Race
- Love Made a Way
- Preparations for the Lords Supper
- Facing Life's Judgment
- The Closing Work
- Are You At Your Post of Duty?
- "The Safest Place on Earth"
- Trouble With the Heart
- Making of a New World
- Waiting In the Light
- Lord, You Can Make Me Clean
- Living By Faith (1)
- Living By Faith (2)
- Holy Flesh
- Daniels King's Part 5 / Framing of a Sunday Law
- The Gentle Healer
- Watching and Waiting
- Living By Faith-Abraham
- Living By Faith - Isaac
- The Power of God's Word
- Thanksgiving
- Bushes and Bare Feet
- "An Angel's Confession"
- The Story of Redemption
- A Journey of Faith
- Christmas Island
- Our Supreme Mission
- He that is Forgiven
- The King's Heralds Quartet: In Concert
- "Seven Sabbaths"
- Let Freedom Ring
- The Seeking Savior
- Your Role In the Proclamation
- Proclaim Christ Today
- It All Belongs to Him!
- Rooted in the Advent Scripture
- “Noah Did It”
- A Burning Hell... or Not?
- Our Outreach Target: "The World"
- Seven Words From the Cross
- Spiritualism and The Three-Fold Union
- Let’s Go to Galilee
- A Story Worth Repeating
- People Everywhere Need the Lord
- A Praying Mother, Hannah
- Going to the promised Land
- Rescued by God
- The Judgement is Set
- When the Seventh Trumpet Sounds
- After Pentecost - Then What?
- Tarrying Until Jesus Comes
- Three "Seeking" Stories
- Worker and Time Clocks
- Visitors and Widows
- The Evil Farmer
- The Sin of Achan
- Just Be Kind
- The Final Judgement
- Go Forward
- The Truth Dectector
- From Jets To Jesus
- The Bride of Christ
- Proclaiming The Three Angel's Message
- Confident Prayer
- So Send I YOU
- 16 Snags of Satan
- From Pillow to Pillar
- E F Hutton or God?
- Who is Israel?
- When Jesus Passes By
- Lightning from Heaven
- The Dragon's Bannermen
- It's Beginning to Feel A Lot Like Christmas
- A Jesus Story
- Retrospective and Perspective
- Needed for the New Year, A new me
- God's Everlasting Faithfulness
- God Is Great, So Give More
- The US in Bible Prophecy
- Greater Love
- What Are Your Plans for Eternity
- Our Eyes Are Fixed on You
- The Two Foundations
- Jesus, Lord of the Disenfranchised
- The Prodigal Brother
- Between Wonnder and Mystery
- Beyond the Veil
- Come to the Table
- One Person Can Make A Difference
- Sometimes all you are asked to do is bring more wine to the party
- Joy is coming in the Morning
- 1844, A year That Changed the World
- Dare to be a Daniel
- Who Jesus is
- Shadow of Redemption's Pathway
- Th e Ark that Noah Built
- My God and I
- Devine Confluences
- Who Do You See?
- Are You Blest?
- The First Move
- You Are A Minister
- When God is Too Small
- Faith before the exodus
- Move Forward
- When Jesus Missed Church
- The Great Controversy
- Get In Your Bubble
- 2025 and the Twilight Zone
- The Word
- 10 Day Challange
- Fruits or Roots
- I Never Saw it Like That
- To Ride This Ride
- Calendar
- Ministries
- About Us
- Online Giving